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Introducing.... Generous By Design

We set up Social Business Brokers as a social enterprise 12 years ago, and in that time we've designed and run a series of high-impact projects that bring big social and environmental benefits, including Empty Homes Doctor, Zero Waste Leeds & Leeds School Uniform Exchange.

Over that time we have learnt a lot about how to design projects that will be here for the long-term - projects which are good for people and good for the planet.

A word that helps to explain the kind of projects that we design is generous - a slightly easier-to-pronounce synonym for regenerative.

Generous - or regenerative - design aims to respond to the climate crisis that we're currently facing. Through our work we aim to design projects that help to regenerate the natural world, not degenerate it.

To encourage more glass recycling, we worked with local young people to design new glass banks

And through the design of our projects we also try to make the most of generosity in the sense that the word is most commonly understood.

We believe most people are generous, and most people want to help others where they can. So our projects take this "asset-based" starting point - exploring how we can build on this spirit of generosity.

You'll see this throughout our work - most notably through how we have designed and delivered Leeds School Uniform Exchange.

And now it's time to share that design thinking with others.

Naturally, we'd love to explore how we could support people in other places to develop projects similar to some of those we've developed in Leeds, like Empty Homes Doctor and Zero Waste Leeds.

But the beauty of our approach is that it can be used to explore how to tackle any social issue. And let's face it, there's no shortage of social issues that need tackling at the moment.

You can find out more about how we work - and our four stage generous design approach - here.

So if you'd like to explore how our design approach could help you to tackle a social problem where you are, please get in touch.

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